Our Governors
The Programme of Governors' Meetings for 2024/2025 is provided at the bottom of the page.
Introduction from our Chair of Governors, Rev. Dr. Jonathan Dean
As Chair of Governors it gives me great pleasure in welcoming you to St John’s C.E. Primary school.
I am proud to lead a highly professional and committed Governing Body who have the learning, growth, wellbeing and welfare of all our children at the heart of everything we do.
In all we do, we seek to build on the firm foundations already established at St. John’s. It is our responsibility:
to ensure that the school holds to its beliefs, vision and values;
to hold the school to account for the educational performance of its pupils;
to ensure clarity of its strategic direction;
to oversee the school’s finances, making sure that its money is well spent.
We are also responsible for the support and nurture of the whole school community, both staff and pupils. This requires us to be attentive, to listen carefully, and to offer both encouragement and challenge. In this, we work closely with Mrs Notley and her senior leadership team, who have responsibility for operational decisions about the day-to-day running of the school.
Governors regularly visit the school to meet with the pupils and staff in order to gain an understanding of the curriculum, teaching, pupil outcomes, and ethos. We focus always on the welfare, flourishing and safety of all pupils, and those teaching them. We also ourselves undertake ongoing and rigorous training to enable us to do our work in an informed and reflective manner.
Of course, visiting a website isn’t quite like the real thing so, if you are considering our school for your child, I would encourage you to make a personal visit. I can guarantee that you will be made very welcome!
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Dean
Chair of Governors