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At St. John’s School we are committed to ensuring that the children in our care are safe, feel safe and are well looked after. To this end, robust Safeguarding process and procedures are in place to support pupils, families, staff and volunteers. In compliance with the sharing of information guidance/best practice, any concerns are passed to designated teachers, trained in Safeguarding

‘Shine like Stars.’

As our school motto states, we want every child at St. John’s to thrive both mentally and physically, therefore, we promote good health and wellbeing as well as opportunities for personal development. At all times we aim to provide an environment that allows them to be safely and effectively cared for, protecting them from maltreatment.

St. John’s CE School Child Protection Team: 

If at any time you are concerned for the safety of a child, you can approach any member of the Child Protection Team and discuss your concern with them. If for any reason, you don’t feel able to approach the Child Protection Team directly then please speak with any member of staff – they will know how to follow up your concern.

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Use of Images (School)

When you child starts at St. John’s School, and for the duration of their education here, parents/carers will be asked to complete a permission form to allow images of your child to be published by the school’s website, newsletters or in press releases. If you would like to change your parental preference at any time, then please contact the school office.


Use of Cameras and Digital Images (Parents/Carers) – ‘THINK BEFORE WE POST’

Only at special school events e.g. concert will there be an opportunity at the end for parents/carers to take photographs for personal use only. At no time throughout the event are photographs or videos allowed to be taken. Please could we remind you that these images must not be distributed or put online unless they are only of your own children. This is to protect and safeguard all members of the community.

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